When Quarantine Means More Influence In The Home
Many of us have had our schedules, jobs, and daily life turned upside as we seek to adjust to a new normal of living in quarantine. Sports, social gatherings, local events and school, among others are nonexistent or at least altered significantly. As a result, people are in their homes more which means more interaction with others in their home for good or bad. In a nation and culture that loves to accomplish and achieve, we are learning to adjust, isolate and sacrifice. The blessing in this however, is that we are simply spending more time with our families, intentional or not.
Dads who were formerly getting up early and leaving before their kids even woke up, may now have the opportunity to say: “good morning”, sit down at the breakfast table and lead their families to the source of truth (God’s Word).
We live in a society in which family life often feels scattered and filled with activities where everyone runs in different directions. What if during this quarantine, we can work towards finding a rhythm that enables us to enjoy the sweet little moments that often get neglected in a busy do-everything world such as going on walks, playing catch in the front yard or riding our bikes. A wise person once said that if you’re too busy to go on a walk and feed the ducks then you’re too busy. What rhythm will your family develop during this quarantine? Whatever it is, those in our homes will be shaped by it for sure.
If you’re like my family, we have not arrived or found our rhythm yet, but we are working toward it. The reality is that since we are around each other more, our shortcomings are consistently exposed. As parents, we certainly can’t hide these from our kids. The blessing however, is that as Christians we have the Spirit of God residing within us, convicting us of our sins so that we repent and turn to God. Our kids will then see that though we aren’t perfect, we follow a perfect Savior Jesus Christ, who forgives and works in our lives. Because of quarantine, our kids get a front row seat to all of this and God gives us opportunities to TALK about it with them!
Parents are one of the means God uses to share His wonders to the next generation! As the psalmist said, “one generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4). Moses also instructed his people and specifically parents to continually relay God’s message to their children in seeking to raise up a generation that sees God as the source of all blessing and life.
7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
Now more than ever, we can be with our kids as they “sit in your house”, “walk by the way”, “lie down” and “rise”. Dads and moms, one of our greatest ministries is right before us. Thankfully, the Lord uses weak and imperfect parents to point children to Himself especially in a time when fear and despair highlight the news. May we ask for His help in teaching them diligently and talking about His wonderful deeds all throughout the day. During our quarantine, may we draw closer to Him who is Lord of all, that we might be conduits of His grace to those inside our homes.

PAGE Ministry
(Publications Assisting Global Evangelism)