Publication Assisting Global Evangelism
PAGE Ministry is not new. In fact, it will soon be 77 years old, but with a new name. Three-quarters of a century ago, Homer Duncan, while pastoring in New York state founded what was then the ministry of The World-Wide Missionary Crusader, in order to promote interest in foreign missions among Christians. This was accomplished by the publishing of a monthly paper called the Missionary Crusader. Brother Duncan’s heart was burdened to stimulate interest in reaching a dying world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He spent his life traveling and sharing this life-changing message through pastoring several churches and by means of the Missionary Crusader. His desire was to bring the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and then to have them grow and mature in the faith.
In the early 1950’s, PAGE added its own printing capabilities. This resulted in the publication of over 100 books, booklets and tracts, dealing with various aspects of the Christian faith. Some of these publications have been translated in over 110 languages and distributed in over 85 countries around the world. For example, our primary evangelistic booklet, ‘The Living God’, has been translated in over 57 languages, with a total of over 3,000,000 copies in print.
In 2006, Pastor Duncan went to be with the Lord whom he loved and served. His son Mark has continued to lead the ministry into the 21st century. And since the internet is now available to so many, we have been able to provide these resources online for free for anyone in the world to access them. As Mark Duncan once said, “The medium of the message may change but the message always stays the same.” PAGE ministry (Publications Assisting Global Evangelism), will continue to provide people with access to gospel literature that points people to the gospel of Jesus, the Savior of the world, our only hope.
PAGE ministry is not the church. We are a ministry that desires to support and encourage the church. We provide resources for the church and long to point people to the Spirit-indwelt community of the church. With only about a third of our resources online, we will continue to add and update these booklets to the site and provide new resources for the local and universal church to freely access and use. We also hope to encourage others through this PAGE Ministry blog as well as our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Stay tuned, and please pray that more and more people would believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ!

PAGE Ministry
(Publications Assisting Global Evangelism)