By Homer Duncan
Missionary Crusader
Note to the reader: This paper is written to give simple instruction to the person who has received Jesus Christ as his Savior. If you have not done this, and do not understand how to be saved, write to the address at the end of the text and ask for a free copy of the booklet entitled, “The Living God.”
The numbers in parenthesis, like this: (1), at the end of some of the sentences refer to verses in the Bible which bear out the truth of the statement. You will find these verses listed at the end of this paper. It is suggested that you ignore these numbers the first time you read the paper. When you read it the second time, carefully study each verse as you come to it.
My friend, you have made your peace with God by receiving His Son, the Lord Jesus (1). Because you have believed on Him, Jesus is well pleased and satisfied (2). The angels of God rejoice because you have repented of your sins (3).
The greatest issue that every person must face is the eternal destiny of his soul. What would it profit a man, if he gained the whole world, but lost his own soul (4)? What a joy to know that the great and holy God of all the universe has forgiven you of all your sins (5). How wonderful to know that the Almighty God is now your own Heavenly Father (6). You now have everlasting life (7). Since Jesus is your Lord and Saviour, He wants to help you with every problem that you face (8).
Alas! How tragic it is that so many who make a profession of being a Christian make a dismal failure of living the Christian life. In many cases, this is because they have never been instructed in the things of God. This message is given to you so that as you believe and obey you can live a happy, victorious Christian life.
Most of the people in the world are enduring life rather than enjoying it. Sad to say, this is true of Christians as well as of the unconverted. It seems that there is always something to take the joy out of life. “Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward” (9). This old world is filled with sorrow, heartache, and trouble; yet in the middle of all this, you can find peace and contentment. But if you are to find peace and contentment, you must be rightly related to God; you must be in harmony with His will.
Let me illustrate it in this way. Two things are necessary to make a radio work; it must be plugged in, and it must be tuned in. The finest radio will not work unless it is in contact with electrical power (even a transistor radio has to have a battery). But just being plugged in is not enough, the radio must also be tuned in. If the radio is not properly tuned in, it will fill the air with confusion and static. You are like a radio. You are spiritually dead until you come in contact with the source of power (10). Your physical birth gave you physical life, but if you are to have spiritual life, you must have a spiritual birth. You were born again spiritually when by faith you received the Lord Jesus Christ (11).
Now that you have been born again by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you want to learn how to get in tune with God. You must learn to abide in Christ (12). As you abide in Christ, you will share His very life.
The Bible teaches professing Christians to examine themselves to see if they really have been saved (13). You cannot grow in grace unless you are in grace (14). You cannot work out your salvation until you have that salvation to work out (15). You cannot live the Christian life if you do not have that life to live (16).
Satan usually gives young Christians a hard time at this point. To those who are not Christians, he gives false assurance, making them think that they are the children of God. If they are a child of God, he fills their minds with doubts.
Your salvation does not depend on some particular kind of religious experience; it does not depend upon your feelings. One day you may feel like you are saved; the next day you may feel like you are not saved. An old Quaker put it this way:
“Frames and feelings fluctuate,
These can ne’r thy Saviour be;
Learn thy self in Christ to see,
Then be thy feelings what they will
Jesus is thy Saviour still.”
Perhaps my own experience will help you. As a young Christian, I was torn with the doubts of my salvation. God sent one of His faithful servants my way who taught me to rest on the Word of God, rather than on my feelings or on my experience. This man of God gave me this verse, “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (11). Here the Bible states that if you will receive/believe upon Jesus Christ you will become a child of God.
You can do one of three things: (a) You can listen to Satan’s whisperings and doubt God and His Word, (b) You can doubt your own experience, or (c) You can believe God and have the assurance of your salvation. It has been well said, “Never believe your doubts, and never doubt your beliefs.” And I like this, “God said it, I believe it, and that settles it!”
In my own case, I had recently settled the battle concerning the Word of God. My faith in the Bible had been severely shaken by unbelieving college professors, but now I was standing firm on the Rock as far as the Word of God was concerned. My problem was doubting whether or not I was saved. When I had these doubts, the man of God taught me to pray something like this, “Dear Lord Jesus, if I have never been saved before, I here and now receive you as my Lord and Saviour. I thank you for saving me. For thy name’s sake, Amen.” I prayed a prayer like this a number of times in the early weeks of my salvation, but I have not prayed that prayer for nearly thirty years, for as I began to walk with God, He gave me a wonderful assurance of my salvation. He will do the same for you.
Having settled the issue that you are saved by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, you want to learn to walk with Him. To state it very simply, a Christian is one who has Christ (17), and the Christian life is lived by letting Christ live His life in us (18).
If you try to live the Christian life in your own strength you will miserably fail, but as you learn to look to Christ to do for you what you cannot do for yourself you will find that He is wonderfully adequate to meet your every need. You are “in Christ” (19), and “Christ is in you” (20). You do not live the Christian life in the flesh. Living the Christian life is letting the Living Christ live in and through you.
You became a Christian by believing on Christ (21). You were justified by faith. Having been justified by an act of faith, you are now to live day by day and moment by moment in an attitude of faith (22). As a lost sinner you did not look to Christ to save you until you saw your sinfulness, and recognized your inability to save yourself. Now as a Christian you will not let Christ live in and through you until you recognize your need of Him. As long as you think that you are capable of living the Christian life in your own strength you will not learn to live a life of complete dependence on Christ.
Many Christians “try” to do good, and “try” to live right. When we live on the basis of “trying” we are sure to fail. We do live the Christian life not by “trying” but by “trusting” (23). John 6:57 is one of the greatest verses in the Bible on how to live the Christian life. In this verse, we learn that we are to live by the Son even as He lived by the Father. How did He live by the Father? Though He was the Son of God, He lived a life of complete dependence on the Father. He did nothing in His own strength (24). He always did the things that pleased the Father (25).
In the same way, you must live a life of complete dependence on the Son. This means that you must be fully surrendered to Christ (26). Before you were saved you had just one nature. It was evil and sinful (27). With this sinful nature, there was nothing that you could do to please God (28). When you were born again you received a new nature, a divine nature (29). This nature delights to please God. You can easily see, and you have no doubt experienced already, that these two natures are in conflict (30). The old nature wants to have its own way; it does not want to be surrendered to Christ. In every heart, there is a cross and there is a throne. When self is on the throne, Jesus is on the cross; and when Jesus is on the throne, self is on the cross.
One of the many wonderful things that happened to you the moment that you received Christ was that your body became the temple of the Holy Spirit (31). He now lives in you (32). He wants to glorify Christ through you (33). He wants to take the things of Christ and show them unto you (33); He wants to guide you into all truth (33); He wants to empower you for Christian service (34); He wants to give you victory over sin (35), and over self (36); He wants to lead and control you in all that you do (37).
There is a wonderful parallel between the physical life and the spiritual life. In the physical life, if we are to be well and strong, we must keep our bodies clean and free from sickness and disease. So, also in the Christian life, if we are to grow in grace, if we are to be victorious, if we are to be fruitful, we must keep our lives clean and free from all known sin. Sin is a disease that mars our fellowship with God. As believers in Christ, when we sin we do not lose our sonship, but we lose our fellowship. We do not lose our salvation but we do lose the joy of our salvation (38). We do not lose our union with Christ but we do lose our communion and fellowship with Him.
When we overload a circuit in our house, the lights go out. We have to put in a new fuse or throw the switch on the circuit breaker so that the lights will come on again. The Bible teaches us that the Christian is restored to fellowship with God when he confesses his sins to God. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (39). The Apostle John writes to the family of God as follows, “My little children, these things write I unto you that ye sin not. And if any man sin….” What happens? What happens to the born-again Christian when he sins? Many believe that he is lost and must be saved all over again. They tell us that the Christian is lost and condemned to hell when he commits the slightest sin, and that he must be saved over and over again every time he sins. But the Bible tells us that if a man could sin and fall away and be lost it would be impossible to renew him again to repentance (40). What does the rest of this verse say? “And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (41). Jesus did not die to condemn us, but He ever lives to intercede for us.
When we sin we grieve the Holy Spirit and lose His power, but we do not lose the Holy Spirit, for we have been sealed by the Spirit until the day of redemption (37). Many Christians who are truly born again are not in fellowship with God. Therefore, their lives are filled with bleakness and barrenness. They do not know the joy of the Lord. They do not experience the peace that passeth understanding. Of all men they are the most miserable, for having been saved, they cannot enjoy the things of the world, and because they are out of fellowship with God they cannot enjoy the things of God.
Fellowship with God is the first essential of enjoying the Christian life. Without it there can be no growth in grace, there can be no fruit in our lives. If we are out of fellowship with God, we will also be out of fellowship with His people. This is one reason why many Christians attend church services so seldom. When they do attend, they are constantly at odds with their brethren in Christ.
If we are to grow in the physical life, we must have food. If we are to grow in grace as Christians, we must have food. The Bible is the believer’s food. As new-born babes, we are to desire the sincere MILK of the Word that we may grow thereby (42). Milk is fine for babies, but it will not suffice the laboring man. He must have solid food to give him strength. The Bible is our BREAD. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (43). Then there is the strong MEAT of the Word for those who are able to stand it (44). How good is the dessert! God’s Word is sweeter than the honey of the honey-comb (45). Can we exclaim with Jeremiah, “Thy words were found and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart” (46).
We are to read the Word, study the Word, memorize the Word, and meditate upon the Word of God. We are to take it in. We are to give it out. Just as we are regular and systematic in our consumption of physical food, so in the same way we must daily feed our souls on the good things of God. It is not enough just to hear the fine sermons once a week. Give us this day our daily bread (47).
Satan realizes the importance of the Word of God in the life of the believer. It is for this reason that he makes his first attack on the Word of God. He still whispers as he did in Eden, “Hath God said?” (48). The Devil knows that if he can keep us from reading and studying the Word of God we will soon be weak and will fall easy prey to sin and temptation. Take heed, therefore, Christian! See to it that thy soul is daily well-fed upon the Word of the living God. (To help you in your Bible study write for “Hidden Treasure”.)
In the physical realm, life will not long exist if we cease to breathe. If we are to be healthy and vigorous, our lungs must be filled with good fresh air. Prayer is the breath of the soul. Just as we breathe without ceasing, so we are to pray without ceasing (49). Does this mean that we must spend twenty-four hours each day in our closet on our knees? Hardly! Our heavenly Father well realizes that we are faced with the daily complexities of life, He knows we have to make a living. He knows that we have to work in the home, in the shop, and in the field.
On the one hand, this means that there are times when we should be alone with God and commune with Him in the quietness of some secret place (50). On the other hand, it means that we are to be in constant communion with Him wherever we are or whatever we are doing. This is what it means to pray without ceasing. This is what it is to continue instant in prayer (51). If we do not pray, our hearts will grow cold, we will lose our first love, we will not have power with God nor with men.
If we wish to have a strong physical body, we must work and exercise. No man ever grew strong merely by resting on a couch at ease. No man ever grew strong merely by eating the finest of foods. One great weakness that we find in the Church of Jesus Christ today is that we have many fat, flabby, lazy, over-fed Christians. They have had the best in Bible teaching and preaching, but seldom, if ever, do they win a soul to Christ. When an opportunity for service comes, they can always find an excuse for not doing it.
If we are to be strong spiritually, we must work. We must let the living Christ live in us and work through us. The members of our body are to be completely yielded and surrendered to Him so that He can use them in any way that He chooses. We are not saved by good works, but we are saved unto good works (52). We are to work out that which God works within (15). We are to live so that men will see our good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven (53).
You are now a member of the body of Christ (54), and as a member of His body, you need to have fellowship with other Christians. God places each of us in the body of Christ as it pleaseth Him (55). We need to assemble with other Christians to strengthen them and to be encouraged by them (56). One of the first steps toward getting out of fellowship with God is to get out of fellowship with His people. If there is not a Gospel-preaching church in your community, begin to pray for the establishment of one. Let God use you to start such a testimony.
The New Testament clearly teaches both the Spirit baptism (57) and water baptism (58). When you believe on Christ you were baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ (57). You should now follow Christ in baptism (59). You are not baptized in order to be saved, but you should be baptized because you are saved. Baptism is an outward manifestation of an inward faith. In being baptized you identify yourself with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection (60).
As a servant of the living God, and as your brother in Christ; I exhort you to carefully study this paper. Its message will help you to be a strong Christian. Prayerfully read and study every scripture reference. God’s Word is the basis of our faith, but obedience is the means of our development. Many Christians have full heads, but empty hearts. It is not a matter of how much we know, but of how much we live (61). Let the beauty of Christ be seen in your life (62). Be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that all may know that you are a child of God (26). “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (53). So live that when you stand in His presence you will hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (63).
1. Romans 5:1
2. Isaiah 53:11
3. Luke 15:10
4. Mark 8:36
5. I John 1:7
6. Romans 8:15
7. John 5:24
8. 1 Peter 5:7
9. Job 5:7
10. Ephesians 2:1
11. John 1:12
12. John 15:1-8
13. 2 Corinthians 13:5
14. 2 Peter 3:18
15. Philippians 2:12
16. John 15:5
17. 1 John 5:12
18. Galatians 2:20
19. Ephesians 1:1
20. Colossians 1:27
21. Acts 16:31
22. Romans 1:17
23. Colossians 2:6
24. John 5:19,30
25. John 8:29
26. Romans 12:1,2
27. Romans 7:18
28. Romans 8:8
29. 2 Peter 1:4
30. Romans 7:15
31. 1 Corinthians 6:19
32. Romans 8:9
33. John 16:13,14
34. Acts 1:8
35. Romans 6:14
36. Romans 8:13,14
37. Ephesians 4:30
38. Psalms 51:12
39. 1 John 1:9
40. Hebrews 6:6
41. 1 John 2:1
42. 1 Peter 2:2
43. Matthew 4:4
44. 1 Corinthians 3
45. Psalms 19:10
46. Jeremiah 15:16
47. Matthew 6:11
48. Genesis 3:1 1
49. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
50. Mark 1:35
51. Romans 12:12
52. Ephesians 2:9,10
53. Matthew 5:16
54. Ephesians 5:30
55. 1 Corinthians 12:18
56. Hebrews 10:25
57. 1 Corinthians 12:13
58. Acts 8:37,38
59. Acts 10:47
60. Romans 6:1-4
61. James 1:22
62. Psalm. 90:17
63. Matthew 25:21
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