Bible Study
Summit Views: 1 Samuel
To show God’s continued faithfulness to His people as they transition from the period of the judges to the rise of kingship. In spite of their rejection of God as king, He provides for them and ultimately raises up a king after his own heart.
Gospel Connection:
In the Lord’s providence, a human kingship was established over Israel. Though Israel’s kings fall short of faithfully reigning over God’s people, the establishment of human kingship (Gen. 17:6, 16; 35:11; 49:10; Deut. 17:14-20) sets the stage for the Messiah to come, Jesus Christ who fulfills all of God’s promises. 1 Samuel points us toward Jesus, the perfect prophet, priest and king who brings worldwide blessing in his redemption, reign and restoration.
Summary Outline:
(1-3) Birth and Calling of Samuel
(4-7) Journey of the Ark
(8-12) Israel Seeks a King
(13-15) Saul’s Disobedience and Rejection
(16-17) The Rise of David
(18-25) Saul Seeks David’s Life
(26-31) The Decline and Death of Saul
Summary message:
Out of the evil period of the judges where “everyone did what was right in their own eyes” arises a faithful woman Hannah who though barren, prayed to the Lord for a child. She was blessed with a boy named Samuel, whom she dedicated to the Lord. Samuel lived with Eli the priest who along with his sons were unfaithful. Samuel however, continued to live faithfully before the Lord as prophet, priest and judge over Israel. The Lord used him greatly throughout Israel’s transition to a monarchy. During this time, the people ask for a king like the other nations, and in so doing reject the Lord as their king. A man named Saul is given to them as their first king but after quickly disobeying, loses his kingship to a shepherd boy named David. Saul lived out the remainder of his life in jealously and betrayal seeking to hold on to what the Lord took away. David however remained steadfast and faithful both before the Lord and his anointed.
Though the author is not mentioned, many have attributed the book to Samuel and possibly Gad the seer and Nathan the prophet (1 Chronicles 29:29-30). It was originally composed as one work along with 2 Samuel.
Historical context:
Local powers existed in the region and the Israelites were often in conflict with the Philistines, Ammonites, Amalekites, etc. Israel’s first kingship takes place under the reign of Saul.
United Kingdom: Saul (1051-1011)
Key People/places/passages:
People: Hannah, Samuel, Eli, Hophni, Phinehas, Saul, David, Goliath, Jonathan, Michal, Ahimelech, Abigail
Places: Ramah, Shiloh, Mizpah, Gibeah, Gilgal, the pass of Michmash, Bethlehem, Gath, Cave of Adullam, Wilderness of Ziph, Wilderness of Maon, Strongholds of Engedi, Ziklag, Mount Gilboa
Passages: Psalm 34, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 63, 142
(coming soon)
Detailed Outline:
Birth and Calling of Samuel (1-3)
Birth and Presentation of Samuel (1:1-28)
Hannah’s Prayer (2:1-11)
Rejection of Eli (2:12-36)
The LORD Calls Samuel (3:1-21)
Journey of The Ark (4-7)
The Ark Journeys (4:1 – 7:2)
Samuel Judges and Calls Israel to Faithfulness (7:2-17)
Israel Seeks a King (8-12)
Israel Asks for a King (8:1-22)
Saul Anointed and Presented as King (9:1-10:27)
Saul Leads People and Renewal of Kingdom (11:1-15)
Samuel Calls the People to Faithfulness (12:1-25)
Saul’s Disobedience and Rejection (13-15)
Saul’s Battles and Disobedience (13:1-23)
Jonathan’s Victory at The Pass (14:1-23)
Saul’s Oath and Jonathan’s Ransom (14:24-46)
Saul Fights His Enemies (14:47-52)
Saul’s Disobedience and The Lord’s Rejection (15:1-35)
The Rise of David (16-17)
David Anointed (16:1-13)
David and Saul Meet (16:14-23)
David and Goliath (17:1-58)
Saul Seeks David’s Life (18-25)
David and Jonathan (18:1-5)
Saul’s Jealousy (18:6-16)
Saul Seeks to Kill David (18:17-19:24)
Jonathan Warns David (20:1-42)
David Eats Bread at Nob (21:1-9)
David Acts Crazy at Achish (21:10-15)
David Gathers Army at Cave Of Adullam (22:1-5)
Saul Orders the Death of Ahimelech’s House (22:6-23)
David Defeats Philistines and Rescues Keilah (23:1-5)
Saul Chases David (23:6-29)
David Spares Saul’s Life in The Cave (24:1-22)
Samuel Dies (25:1)
David and Abigail (25:2-44)
The Decline and Death of Saul (26-31)
David Spare’s Saul’s Life While Sleeping (26:1-25)
David Retreats to The Philistines (27:1-12)
Saul Seeks Out Medium at Endor (28:1-25)
The Philistines Release David (29:1-11)
David Rescues His People from The Amalekites (30:1-30)
Saul And His Sons Die (31:1-13)
[1] Eugen H. Merrill. The Bible Knowledge Commentary. Ed. John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck. Colorado Springs: Cook Communications, 2000, pp. 431-432.
[2] Charles Dyer and Eugene Merrill. Nelson’s Old Testament Survey. Ed. Charles R. Swindoll & Roy B. Zuck. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2001, p. 204.
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