By Colleen Clontz
Power! What we wouldn’t give, in these times of searching and groping for the answer to life, for a real power to grasp that is stronger than that of mere man. Yet, there are so many Christians – people who have been given Christ Himself – who have absolutely no practical awareness of all the power that God has placed within them. These people move about from day to day, confident of the life which will be theirs in Heaven, and yet seem to lack even the knowledge of the vast might that is theirs to live in, which they already possess and which others so desperately need.
The Apostle Paul, who was a vessel literally running over with the glory of God, has outlined in two verses the power that is available to every child of God and has given us the key to everything that confronts us in our daily lives in a third. In Romans 8:37-39, he says: “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
The last two verses are glorious and plainly reveal the might of God, but the three little words, “in,” “through,” and “for,” which seem so insignificant, are the key to the vital, joy-filled life which is available to every child of God. I’d like to explain to you how God showed his power to me through these words of Scripture, and how He wants to exercise it through each one of us today.
Paul starts with the reality of being convinced – with the words, “I AM persuaded!” What is so necessary for us today is to be confident of God – in other words, to trust Him. Simple trust is all that God wants from you and me. To be persuaded, and not to add to that! We often have the idea that our Christian life is a matter to be taken into our own hands immediately after God has shown us Who He Is. This is such a mistaken notion. All God ever wants from you and me is that we bank our lives solely on Him, relying on the POWER which He is certain to supply in every aspect of life. If we could only say, “I am completely persuaded!” and not add to that!
The reason that God wants us to trust Him is because He knows very well that we are totally incapable of anything of any real significance. He must chuckle sadly when He sees us, bustling about here on earth like evangelical mosquitoes, whining constantly, then turning around and attacking some poor unsuspecting person with our Instant Message! The sore that is left will most likely turn the victim off as far as Christ is concerned. (Have you ever heard of someone who liked mosquitoes?) God knows full well that we are positively inadequate here on earth. “Without me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5). We can do nothing but get ourselves deeper
into our own mess. It was surely a change for me to grasp that truth! Just like mosquitoes, we smell blood, and zap! We make a nose-dive and . . . . well, God, uh, it wasn’t so hot that time, but Lord, You can count on me! I’ll do much better tomorrow, Lord!
Instead, Paul proclaims with fervor, “I am persuaded!” Paul is convinced, certain, sure, and completely positive of Who God is – and he doesn’t go a bit farther than that. The answer is to admit our own incapability and praise God that He is capable. Then God can begin to accomplish things. “I am persuaded!” Thank you, Lord.
In verse 38, we read that death shall not be able to separate us from the love of God; of this Paul is persuaded. Isn’t it ironic that death is mentioned first? The idea of death makes man cringe and shove those thoughts away. But the void of eternity is there for all of us to face, blinking its eye at us. What will happen? Where will we be when life leaves our human shells? That’s a whopping question that every one of us should face right now. To those outside of God, eternity will mean the horror of separation from Him; but to those of us who are within God, “death cannot separate us from His love!” Such reassuring thoughts! Death, that gaping hole toward which every human life is catapulting, will lead us to Heaven and a glorious forever in the Lord. Those of us who have received Christ into our lives have absolutely nothing to fear as far as eternity is concerned because the love of God is ours beyond death.
Don’t miss those last few words from verse 39, “in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This states that the love of God is in Christ. Excellent; what else is new? Do you recall a little verse that goes like this: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Col. 1:27)? It’s one of those I memorized when I was very young. How strange that the verse was rattled off so perfectly without catching in the least the meaning of the words! Do you realize Who you and I actually have living in our bodies this very second?
Christ Himself.
Think of the Universe which He created. Light travels about six-million miles a year. The next galaxy would take 137,000 light-years to reach. And there are billions of galaxies! This vast incomprehensible universe is only a scratch on the surface of an infinitesimal atom in the perspective of God’s power. Say, Christian, that power is in you!
In me?
Yes, in you.
No wonder death can’t separate us from the love of God, for this love is in Christ Jesus our Lord, Who is in us, and Christ Himself has conquered death! What a reality, to experience Christ’s triumph over death.
There was a reason why Paul mentioned death first, and I believe it was this: once we discover that death cannot separate us from the love of God, then we may get down to business and discover how God wants to implement His power in our lives right now. Strange, isn’t it, that the decision of eternity is as far as many of us have proceeded, when God has so much more for us to enjoy?
“I am persuaded that life cannot separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.” For some Christians, life seems more bewildering than death could ever be – ‘at least then we’ll be in heaven and we’ll never have to worry about human problems anymore.’ To make this mistake in thinking is to unconsciously toss away all of life – the real Spirit-life that comes only from Christ Himself. The principle is so simple, and for years I bustled around, self-engrossed, never dreaming of the life God had given me already.
In John 3:36 we read, “He that hath the Son hath everlasting life.” In which tense is the verse written? The present! God doesn’t say, “He that hath the Son has been promised everlasting life,” or “He that hath the Son will someday receive everlasting life!” but wonder of wonders – “He that hath the Son HATH everlasting life!” This means that the moment we ask Christ to come into our lives, our everlasting life begins! This is the idea of “Christ in you, the hope of glory” – that the hope (confidence) which we have for glory in Him begins at the split second in which our eternal fate is changed. We are translated into a completely different realm of life. Why? Because one who has accepted Christ “Hath the Son” . . . .and “he that hath the Son hath LIFE.” Life in a limitless amount. Life filled with God. Life overflowing. As Tennyson put it, “Life piled on life.”
Let’s say you purchase a superior package of seeds of everlasting flowers – the variety that blooms after the frost has passed. Do you settle back and gaze at the package with its illustration of lovely flowers, exclaiming, “Just think! These flowers are going to bloom long after other flowers are dead and gone!” Do you gaze at the package, then finally set it away and gradually forget all about it? Of course not! Those seeds were bought for a purpose, and they will never experience all that they were meant to experience if they lie useless in the package. Those seeds hold within them the capability of blossoming into healthy, superior blooms, permeating the air around them with vigor and freshness. Would it be sensible to let them stagnate in the package? Of course not. Why? Because those seeds contain the LIFE which is capable of becoming a lovely masterpiece reflecting the glory of their Creator. You want to plant them as soon as possible.
In the same way, we as children of God have the Life within us which is capable of its everlasting bloom at this very moment. Wouldn’t it be foolish for us not to let this life be shown in us, the life that is pure, practical Christ? This puts us into the purpose for which the life came into us – the plan of the Divine which He has prepared for each of us. His plan for you is a unique, perfect sphere into which only you can fit. Christ came into your life to exercise that
plan, to permeate the very air around you with His Glory. Won’t you let Him be everything that He is in you – to show His glory to all who meet you?
Life indeed cannot separate us from God’s love, for Christ is our life, and God’s love is demonstrated in us, through that life at this very moment. Are you stagnating in that early stage, merely a seed being a seed, disregarding the Life in you? Or are you letting that life grow into all the joyousness of Who He is, day by day?
Recall where Christ is. He is in our bodies, here on earth, by His Spirit; but He is also in Heaven, experiencing all of Heavenly life at the right hand of God. Christ has been given all power that there is – “All Power has been given unto me in heaven and in earth.” (Matt. 28:18). This is the position of Christ, “Far above all might, and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come” (Eph. 1:21). This position is something wonderful to think about, and it certainly puts us in our place! But there’s an active principal here which involves so much more than just gazing at the afar-off might of Christ. We, as partakers of the Living Life, are actually IN CHRIST! Wherever you look in the Epistles, that tiny preposition “in” Christ crops up constantly. You and I have the privilege of walking in the power of Christ from day to day. This means that we have His position – “far above all might, and dominion, and every name that is named” – in which to live! That lifts us up into the very might of God!
At six-o’clock in the morning when the clock-radio blares its first eardrum-defying tune and you long to take refuge under the blankets and escape the day, remember: Christ has allowed us to live in Him, far above the angels, in His love which will last forever!. That should turn 6 A. M. into a joyous experience. We are “raised up together, and made (to) . . . sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,” (Eph. 2:6) right now. Just trust Him to do it. Be persuaded!
If our lives are completely controlled by Christ, they are miracles unveiling before our eyes, but we can’t expect to wade through peaches and cream every moment of every day. If we’ve given our lives to God to use, our problems are just beginning! Don’t get me wrong; by no means does Christ want us to say, with a catch in our voice, “I – gave my life to the Lord and look what happened!” Not at all. Our new life in Christ is a glowing experience, but there is a counter force to be expected. He is the prince of the power of the air, his majesty Satan.
How many times has the Devil pulled you under? So often has he trapped me in a tight spot around his little finger. The Devil and his powers are here on earth, everywhere counteracting the power of God and attempting to set unbelievers and Christians far from God’s plan and entangle them in a mess. Satan uses so many tricky methods – my chief devil – hangup is doubt, with self running a close second. Temptation can take the form of a desire for hordes of material goods, placing a person above Christ in our affections, or just causing everyday objects to seem juicy and tempting. And there’s always the Almighty I! Just when we think everything is going so beautifully, in creeps the Prince himself, trying to snatch away our experience of Christ.
This portion of the verse wasn’t intended, however, to make us bemoan our troubles with Satan. Instead, God wants us to let Him show Himself strong in that situation which seems to have us snarled and twisted and frayed in Satan. What has he said? Paul was persuaded that “principalities and powers shall not be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Lord is the keyword here. If Christ is on your life’s throne, let him take care of those little principalities and powers. He proclaims Himself “far above every principality and power and might, and dominion.” Didn’t Christ say that sin shall no longer hold dominion over you? Then we should allow Him to take full control of those principalities and powers which entice us into sin. He’s able. I am persuaded that He “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Eph. 3:20).
God has already provided for everything we ever need. If God cares enough for us to give us His life, then don’t you think that he will give us everything that’s necessary? This doesn’t mean that we will lie abed, letting God bring home the paycheck! But he promises us that we will receive all we need (Matt. 6:25-31). Christ’s love toward us is so unfathomable that all we can do is trust HIM for everything we are going to receive from HIM.
Luxury! God doesn’t mean that He suddenly wants us to begin eking out a mirror existence, but neither does He mean that we are to be governed by THINGS. Wardrobes, books, careers, talents, – by all means we must enjoy these things – for what other reasons did God give them to us? But he wants me to “seek . . . . first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added” to me. When Christ rules supreme in our daily lives, every THING will fall naturally into place according to God’s master diagram.
We now find that THINGS present can’t separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. But there is one problem: just how do we keep these things from becoming sovereign in our lives? It’s so easy to say, rubbing our hands together industriously, “I’m going to keep these things from becoming too important!” We launch out into the day and crash! We stub our little Christian toe. Rubbing it, dazed, that phrase comes back: “I’m going to . . .” That’s enough. Aha, the mighty I rears its ugly head! If a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lord says, “I’m going to” you can bet he’ll find himself flat on his face! So many times I found this to be true. Let’s go back to our verse: “I am persuaded that THINGS present shall not be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God has set down the promise that he will keep these THINGS from coming between Him and us, for He says, “And (God) hath put all THINGS under HIS (Christ’s) feet, and gave Him to be the head over all THINGS to the church” (Eph. 1:22). Why, then, do we strut around trying to do things which God has already said He’d do?
We must certainly realize and be persuaded that anything present – anything at all! – cannot possibly keep us from this unity which we have with God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Why is it that we are persuaded of this TREMENDOUS fact? The answer lies in the last two words, IN CHRIST. Because we are inhabited by and centered in Jesus Christ, His power will keep us from fearing the morrow. The same Christ Who is in us gives the command: “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for things of itself” (Matt. 6:34). Tomorrow is neither ours to worry about nor to plan extensively, for God has promised to take care of it completely. Imagine, to discard our worries! “I AM persuaded” . . . . and act upon it. “Lord, here is my tomorrow. It’s yours.” Watch and see what happens!
“It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell.”
God’s love includes every person on this planet, and even hell cannot turn off this love.
How is this love ours? Because God loves us through His Son, Christ, Who loves us “more than we can know” (Eph. 3:19 – New Testament in the Language of Today) and Who has become our Life. God’s love is our sphere in which to live each day so that others may see this love and see the Lord God in us.
Spiritual heights and depths are another consideration of our persuasion of God. I’m sure we’ve all soared to Cloud Nine and then plunged into the abyss of despair because of our lack of trust in Christ. God wants us to experience Himself fully, but His love is still ours even when we fail to trust Him. We can’t possibly comprehend the care which Christ has for us, but it’s wonderful to relax in the One Who loves us. “I am persuaded” that God will love me no matter how I act toward Him – and that I may rest in that love to experience life.
Another aspect of the phrase “height and depth” has to do with man’s standards. Our height or position on man’s social ladder has absolutely no significance to God. His love is equal for every person: everyone has a chance to experience Him, no matter what man thinks. Prejudice of color, race, creed, beliefs is unheard of with Christ and you have an equal opportunity, be you a beggar or the King of England. God can use absolutely anyone in Christ, and His love won’t ever leave any of us Christians no matter who we are. Instead, if our lives are given to Him, He Will operate through us to show others the unequaled love of God.
I’m one of the worst offenders when it comes to pegging my fellow human beings on the rungs of my own imaginary social ladder. It took me a long time to realize that God expects me, in Christ’s power, to accept His idea of equality and let Him flow through me to any person with whom I come in contact. God has this in mind for every believer in Him, and if Christ is allowed to be absolute Lord, it will come naturally to us. We don’t need to try to bring about God’s principles – He can and will show them to us; and all we need to do is allow Him to operate through us.
Let’s review the contents of these two verses. None of these things can ever pry us from God’s love: Death, that endless void, or that wonderful continuous life in God. Life, that present monster that becomes pre-heaven when Christ is given full control in us. Angels, created higher than man, now far beneath our sphere, because God has “made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son” (Col. 1:12,13). Principalities and powers, which Christ has already defeated. Things present – anything at all – in which Christ is all set to show His Conquerorship. Things to come of which we are not aware, but which God is completely able to handle. Height and depth, which mean nothing to the love of God in Christ.
Yet God must know that there are things He hasn’t mentioned, for He says, “any other creation . . . .shall not be able to separate us from the love of God” (Scofield Reference Bible). Keep in mind that God has created everything, and there is nothing made that he didn’t make (John 1:3). If you think of anything that God made which we haven’t mentioned, remember: it can’t separate us from God’s love in any way, and the power of that love is in you, because of the Lord Christ.
I’d like to analyze the true dynamic of these verses. Did you ever think of the significance of the word “for”? Mr. D. Stuart Briscoe has given a lovely concept which can give double the life and meaning to the verses we read. It goes something like this: When you see the word “therefore,” think: what’s the “therefore” there for? When we see the words “therefore” or “for,” we sort of skim over them to get to the real “meat” of the verse. But just lately, I’ve discovered that the verse containing “therefore” or “for” should be applied with the preceding verse.
For instance, here in Romans 8:38, there is a “for”. For what? God wouldn’t just toss an extra word into the Holy Scriptures, so I believe we translate it this way: (Rom. 8:37) “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us – because I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Because I am trusting in the power of God which will be forever in me and which is above all things, I am more than conqueror! Remember the vast Universe and its very size as compared to God’s power? It is this power that lives in us, plans our lives perfectly, and lives THROUGH us to others so they may see the Living Christ.
Who do you think would be more capable of taking the wheel of our lives? And who could fill our lives with more joyous success?
In the New Testament in the Language of Today, the conquerorship is described as “an overwhelming victory.” Does this describe your life every day? In every experience, every moment, Christ has promised to be everything he promised in Romans 8:38-39. He wants to take each situation, big or small, and glorify Himself in it.
You give an experienced race-driver the wheel of your battered car. He knows all about lubrication, tires, and all that goes into being a successful driver and running a successful auto. The car travels in many types of weather, over many obstacles, and still maintains a smooth ride; riding is a joy. Other people who are trying to start their cars, who are learning to drive them, and who are constantly needing repairs gaze at you as you skim past and the auto “steps over bumps.” You’ll be looking back over your shoulder, and there will be folks pounding after you. “What oil do you use?” they demand breathlessly. “How long have you had your car?” “What brand of tires do you use?” They want to know what makes this thing tick. But you say, “It’s none of those things; they’re constantly needing replacement and repairs. It’s the driver who’s an expert; he knows what he’s doing.”
In the same way Christ is the Driver who is glad to take the wheel of your “car” and guide it smoothly around the bumps and bends of your life to its destination. He can do this only so long as you and I don’t become back-seat drivers! Christ is in command, and He knows exactly what to do and the best route to take. So let Him have full command. When others ask what makes our auto run so well, what do we say? “Oh, I tried real hard and – well, here I am!” No, instead we give all the glory to the Driver – all we did was to enjoy the ride.
Through God’s never-ending power in His Son Who indwells us, we have become joyful conquerors and can win an overwhelming victory over each little thing which comes our way, every moment of our lives and on into eternity!
Because of Who Christ is.
Are YOU persuaded?
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