Special Projects

Memorial Project

In the early sixties or even late fifties, Homer Duncan wrote the booklet entitled God and Man. This later became The Living God booklet, which is now the Missionary Crusader’s primary evangelistic book. In round figures, 5,000,000 copies have been printed in 50 different languages. This includes the illustrated Living God, which was first proposed by an Operation Mobilization worker who drew the pictures for the first edition that was published in Hindi in April 1979. The pictorial or illustrated format was well accepted and the about figures include more than 1,000,000 copies of the pictorial format in more than 15 languages. Therefore, it seems only fitting that an edition of The Living God booklet be chosen as a memorial to Homer Duncan. Thus, it was planned to print 200,000 copies of the Living God booklet in the Burmese language of Myanmar (formerly Burma). This was done in co-operation with Rev. L. Sawi Thanga in Myanmar.

The Missionary Crusader has worked with Brother Thanga for a number of years. In fact, the first printing of the Living God booklet in Burmese was done back in November of 1962. We are grateful that the Missionary Crusader was able to work with Brother Thanga to produce this booklet in memory of Homer Duncan. I know that Dad would be honored, that this project was undertaken with someone who had been a close friend over so many decades.

Other Projects

The production of two books in Portuguese have been completed, the printing of Secular Humanism and Commandos for Christ were done in co-operation with Brother Fernando Resina de Almeida and Nucleo Centro de Publicacoes Cristas. Brother Almeida is another longtime friend.

A limited edition of Andrew Murray’s 31 Day Plan to Enrich Your Prayer Life, has been produced. Also, a limited run of Ten Church of Christ Doctrines Compared With the Holy Scriptures has been completed.

Impact on Lives

What has the Lord has done in your life through these materials?
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